Before the spring of 2020, your showroom was a key part of your sales model. Appliance dealers used their funds to host events and draw people in to see their products in person. Manufacturers used the direct connections that come with showroom events to build their brands. The last year has brought about a paradigm shift. We are now reconsidering the wisdom and safety of large in-person events for the foreseeable future, and you need to think beyond the showroom. Here are some things to consider when looking at reallocating the resources that you used to spend on in-person events.
Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate with your manufacturer reps.
Ask them about new or different ways to spend their money in your market. When you get into a rhythm of using accrued funds and doing events, sometimes the big picture is missed, so take time to reassess how you are spending these funds. Allocate any funds you have not been using for advertising.
Don’t overlook email marketing.
Email marketing is one of the best investments you can make with your marketing dollars. The latest reports show an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing. Those numbers are hard to beat. If you already have an active email list, consider adding branded content – paid for by manufacturers – to the mix.
Develop a consistent digital ad spend.
Avoid a short-term ad campaign online – the results might be minimal. Pull together the estimated numbers for the year and not just for a month or a quarter. Knowing your estimated funds for the year from one manufacturer will give you a picture of what you can spend. If you want to lead your marketplace with one brand, then you need to run ad campaigns for 9 to 12 months.
The most important part of making this shift is to choose the right partner. You need a specialist in premium and luxury marketing in order to navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising. Riley & You has the expertise and staff you need to launch successful marketing campaigns. We see dealers doing what they think will work, and then getting frustrated when the wrong buyer walks through their door. We know how to target the right audience for your brand and how to find the right partners. We can help you maximize your marketing budget to get the results you want.