Industry Ideas & Insights
Helping You Build a Thriving Premium & Luxury Appliance Business
We talk to appliance dealers nearly every day and have been for the last decade. Those conversations give us unique insights into what a healthy business looks like and how successful dealers are growing their high-end business. We share many of our observations in our regular blog posts. Make sure you join our email list to have those insights delivered to your inbox monthly.
Begin With The End In Mind
The sale is complete. Delivery and installation are done, and you called to follow-up, making sure the customer was satisfied with their new appliances. So that's it, right? Until they need their next kitchen appliance ... at least that's what you hope. But you...
The Stress Is Real: Taking Extra Steps to Encourage Your Team
There's no denying the pandemic is taking a toll in a variety of ways. The most obvious, of course, is the health of people around the world who have contracted COVID-19. Statistics on illness and death have become ever-present in our newsfeeds. We can't ignore...
Working Smarter and Staying Ahead: Changes In Your Showroom
This article is part of a series called Working Smarter and Staying Ahead featuring highlights from the annual KBIS Insights Breakfast presentation. Check out our previous post for Part 1. You know that your customer base is growing and changing, and the people...
On Valued but Borrowed Time
The years of experience in your sales force can be a key component to the success of your premium retail business. We repeatedly entrust the most important relationships to the most seasoned, proven professionals on staff. It’s no secret that the results of this...
Working Smarter and Staying Ahead: Know Your Customers
Whether your store has been around for decades or just a few years, your customers are changing. At the bare minimum, they are getting older and their buying habits and needs change as they age. But you have also felt the rapid changes in technology, in your...
Working With Designers: Making the Right Match Inside Your Sales Team is Crucial
Having provided marketing services to premium appliance dealers for over a decade, we’ve met and worked with many sales professionals over the years. Inside the appliance showroom, team members often earn a reputation for their different strengths. One we are commonly...
Ease Backorder Concerns with These Positive Talking Points
At this point, most customers understand that supply chain issues will have an impact on the delivery schedule for new appliances. But they still may not be prepared for the reality of current timelines for high-end brands. With home improvement industry...
The Art of Connecting with Builders and Designers
Every dealer puts a different emphasis on their trade business. For some, builders and designers only make up a small percentage of their sales, but for others, trade professionals are a primary source of business. In our experience, the healthiest dealers are the...
Key Takeaways from an Unpredictable Year
Remember when we thought 2021 was going to be the year everything goes back to how it once was? Instead, what is and isn't "normal" has remained in a constant state of flux for both consumers and businesses. We may not know what major changes 2022 holds, if any, but...
Adopting an Adaptable Mindset
Adaptability is defined as "the ability to adjust to different conditions or circumstances." I think we'd all agree that the last 18 months have been a crash course in adaptability! It's also made us keenly aware of how important it is to accept that the...
2023 Affluent Audience Trends for High-End Appliance Dealers
Over the past few years, the affluent consumer and their attitude towards kitchen design has changed tremendously. Many of the appliance and design trends we saw leading up to 2020 are long gone, and the expectations of affluent shoppers have shifted too. With...
Create Repeat Customers: Close Your Marketing Loop
When someone purchases an appliance from your dealership, the relationship doesn't end with the card swipe and signature. The customer/dealer relationship is one that—like any relationship—needs nurturing and follow-up care. Do you keep in touch with your clients...
How to Attract the Affluent Buyer
While the affluent buyer is a smaller subsection of the overall consumer audience, it is one that packs a big financial punch. And as a luxury and premium appliance dealer, it’s an audience you need to understand. From how this audience has...